A three-member Enforcement Directorate (ED) team from Hyderabad led by its deputy director N Sridhar began recording the statements of four former Satyam employees in the presence of their counsels at Chanchalguda Central Prison here.
The special court, trying the Satyam case, had last week permitted the ED to examine senior vice-president and global head of internal audit VS Prabhakar Gupta, vice president - finance G Ramakrishna, senior manager - finance D Venkatapathi Raju and assistant manager Ch Srisailam.
The ED team would question them for four days under the provisions of the Prevention of Money Laundering Act. It would seek answers to how Satyam’s accounts were manipulated and how money was routed, the officials said.
The ED had earlier examined other accused in the Satyam case. All the ten accused in the case are currently in judicial custody.