Assured irrigation facilities to an additional 1 crore hectares of land over a period of five years is expected generate employment for an additional 1 crore people at the rate of 1 person per hectare. |
The food processing industry is growing at a rate that generates 2.5 lakh jobs every year. The textile sector alone has the potential to create 1.2 crore jobs over the next five years. |
The information technology (IT) industry is expected to offer an additional 70 lakh jobs by 2009. Now, the construction industry is also expected to throw up lakhs of jobs. |
The government has declared that sectors with potential for generating employment will receive the highest attention. |
SME growth fund |
Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) has established a SME Growth Fund with a corpus of Rs 500 crore. Small and medium units in knowledge-based industries such as pharmaceuticals, biotechnology and IT will be provided equity support through this fund. |
The ministry of small scale industries also plans to introduce the Small and Medium Enterprises Development Bill during this session of the Parliament. |
Besides, the ministry has identified 108 items for de-reservation. Nearly 30 of them are in the category of textile products, including hosiery, which is a sector poised for rapid growth. The provision of Rs 135 crore made for the "Promotion of SSI Schemes" is being enhanced to Rs 173 crore in 2005-06 |
Pension scheme being widened |
A new contribution pension scheme for newly recruited Central Government employees is being implemented. The scheme could also be extended to the unorganised sector. |
States such as Andhra Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Himachal Pradesh, Jharkhand, Manipur, Rajasthan and Tamil Nadu have introduced similar schemes for their employees. |
Other states have also evinced interest. The new scheme proposes to offer a menu of investment choices to the subscribers and to provide a strong regulatory mechanism to ensure that the interests of subscribers are protected. |
Package for tsunami relief |
The government has approved relief packages of Rs 3,644 crore for tsunami relief. |
The Planning Commission, which is coordinating the Tsunami Reconstruction and Rehabilitation Programme, has drawn up a programme at a cost of Rs 10,216 crore. |
Sweet pill for the sugar industry |
A new financial package to revitalise the sugar industry has been announced. Sugar factories that were operational in the 2002-03 sugar season will be helped to restructure. |
Nabard, in consultation with state governments, RBI, banks and financial institutions, will work out a scheme for providing a financial package with a moratorium of two years, on principal and interest. |