The seafood exporters reduced the Black Tiger (BT) shrimp purchasing price by Rs 20-70 a kg depending on the shrimp size. The new rates came into effect from December 15."Shrimp exports from Andhra Pradesh to Japan declined drastically in the last eight months due to the muddy smell in the Black Tiger shrimp consignments. Citing this as a reason, and with no other option left, the exporters have reduced the purchasing price," sources in the Seafood Exporters Association said. The seafood exporters maintained the purchasing price of Rs 350 a kg for BT shrimp (20 count) from August 11 to December 14. Since December 15, they have been offering a meagre Rs 280 a kg.At present, the Seafood Exporters Association is offering Rs 250 for 30 count (Rs 320), Rs 190 for 35 count (Rs 260), Rs 170 for 40 count (Rs 220), Rs 110 for 50 count (Rs 160), Rs 90 for 60 count (Rs 130), Rs 80 for 70 count (Rs 110) and Rs 70 for 80 count (Rs 90). Nearly 30 to 40 per cent of the BT shrimp from Andhra Pradesh is exported to Japan. But for the last one year, the exporters have been receiving complaints from the Japanese importers over the muddy smell in the BT shrimp consignments. Because of this reason the Japanese stopped importing shrimps from Andhra Pradesh.After the ban on shrimp exports to Japan, the Marine Products Exports Development Authority (MPEDA) and the Seafood Exporters Association of India (SEAI) jointly formed a committee which after three months of study concluded that the muddy smell was due to the shrimp from the ponds near the Kolleru lake, the sources informed."At present, MPEDA and the Seafood Exporters Association of India are organising meetings with the farmers on the ways to avoid the muddy smell emanating from the shrimp. Two Japanese experts have been touring the shrimp processing plants across the state, and imparting training to the workers on how to eliminate the muddy smell. The Seafood Exporters Association has also decided to reduce the purchasing price of Scampi (fresh water-cultured shrimp) too. The Scampi purchasing price will be reduced by Rs 20 a kg on all counts and these rates will come into effect from December 20," they added.