The Federation of Andhra Pradesh Chambers of Commerce and Industry (Fapcci) has welcomed Andhra Pradesh Electricity Regulatory Commission (Aperc)'s announcement to reduce industrial tariff from Rs 3.5 to Rs 3.25 per unit for those in the 132 KV and above category, from Rs 3.5 to Rs 3.35 for 33 KV category and from Rs 3.5 to Rs 3.4 per unit for 11 KV. Fapcci is also thankful for the rationalisation of the farm sector tariff, a press release said. According to Fapcci, Aperc should also reduce industrial tariff to Rs 2.5 per unit to attract new units. To avoid the exodus of units from Andhra Pradesh to other states like Himachal Pradesh, Uttaranchal and the north-east the state government should impress upon the central government to implement the excise duty structure recommended by Kelkar Committee, the release said.