The five-member technical expert committee (TEC), which was appointed by the Supreme Court, has recently recommended a moratorium on field trials for GM (genetically Modified) crops.
"GM crop offers several solutions to farmers problems. We need biotechnology and the right to choose and freedom to farm. "Consortium of Indian Farming Associations (CIFA) Secretary General Chengal Reddy said in a statement.
Reddy was addressing a farmers rally at Jantar Mantar which was organised to protest against TEC recommendations and demand latest technologies in Indian agriculture.
The protest was led by CIFA and was participated by Shetkari Sanghatana, PAU Kisan Club, Naujawan Kisan Club, Nagarjuna Rythu Samakhya, Pratapa Rudra Farmers Mutually Aided Coop Credit & Marketing Federation, amongst other leading farmer organizations.
"It would be unfair to deny India's farmers the benefits of biotechnology, and it would be unfair to the nation to prevent its farmlands from prospering more," Punjab Agricultural University Kisan Club Secretary PS Pangli said.
Reprsentatives of the farmers organisations added that farmers should have the right to choose seeds, and the use of biotech crop is a solution to meet the growing food demand in limited natural resources in the coming years.
Meanwhile, eminent scientists have also appealed to the Supreme Court not to accept the recommendations of five member TEC.
"The TEC has chosen to mischievously mislead the court on GM crops. The committee has deliberately overlooked the opinions of leading scientific organisations in the world and in India, and hundreds of peer reviewed scientific publications," said Shanthu Shantharam of Biosafety Institute of Iowa State University.