Promising to look into the demands of the sugar industry in the next budget, finance minister P Chidambaram today asked millers to raise efficiency and productivity and explore international markets so that India could emerge as the largest producer of sugar in the world."The situation of sugar mills is alarming in some states. The challenge before you and the government is how to revitalise the sector so that all the allied agro sectors benefit," Chidambaram said at the 70th AGM of Indian Sugar Mills Association (ISMA)."I promise you that the UPA government will work with you to increase efficiency, productivity and vertical growth, and help you emerge as a leading player in the world. I will meet some of you before we prepare the budget," he said.The government could not ignore the sugar industry through which it earns Rs 1,400 crore of revenue, he said. The Rs 21,000 crore sugar industry contributes Rs 2,000 crore in taxes to the central and state government, he added.