Railways Minister Piyush Goyal on Wednesday said the Indian Railways has decided to recruit at least 230,000 people in the next two years. This announcement comes despite over 150,000 aspirants still waiting to join railway ranks, after appearing for tests conducted last year. “In all, we will create 400,000 more jobs, including these 150,000, who will join our ranks soon,” Goyal said.
Goyal said even after filling up of the current notified vacancies, there will be 132,000 posts with the railways. The board has decided to come up with notifications to fill up these vacancies soon. “In addition, over 100,000 people are going to retire from the railways in the next two years. We have decided to fill those vacancies too,” he said.
The first phase of fresh recruitment, 131,328 posts shall be initiated in February-March, 2019. According to the government’s reservation policy, 19,715, 9,857 and 35,485 vacancies shall be reserved for scheduled castes, scheduled tribes and other backward caste candidates, respectively. Further, according to the 103rd Constitutional Amendment recently passed by the Parliament, 10 per cent of these vacancies — around 13,100 — shall be filled in from Economically Weaker Sections (EWS). This cycle shall be completed by April-May, 2020.
“We will soon be inviting tenders for appointing technical and other back-end operators to fill up 132,000 vacancies. Moreover, the promised reservation for economically weaker sections of society will be applicable in the coming recruitment,” Goyal added.
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