R N Ajadia, deputy engineer, Junagadh circle, said offices of the Junagadh division will be equipped with computerised system of video conference and allied facilities, and new electronic meters will be installed in the place of old ones.
The state government has selected five GEB circles under the APDRP (accelerated power development and reform project) and the Junagadh circle is one of them.
Twenty-five per cent of the state government aid will be as a grant, while the rest will be in the form of loan, he added.
Further, he said, 350 transformers will be installed. All the divisional offices and circle offices will be equipped with computerised video conference facilities and 21 feeders will be also erected to ease the project.
All the electric poles will be provided with separate number and feeder number and regular layout plans will be made, and all the information related to 11 KV and LT lines will be compiled in them.
For this purpose, the state government has selected five circles of which are Junagadh, Rajkot and Jamnagar of the Saurashtra region.