Ramanata Crisna Pai Raikar Education Society on Friday announced commissioning of the agriculture and allied services school at village Sanvoiverem, 35km from here. Society Chairman Manguirish Pai Raikar said that initially 20 students would be admitted in the school for the course (10+2) affiliated to Goa Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary Education.
"The syllabus has been finalised, wherein the students will have one third theory and two third practicals. It will cover tropical plants, vegetables and flowers," he said. The society has on board Srirang Kadrekar, a former Vice-Chancellor of Dr Balasaheb Sawant Konkan Krishi Vidyapeeth. Raikar said knowledge about computers and website creation would also be imparted as students need to know about them to explore newer markets for agricultural produce.