Despite complying with stringent US food regulations, Indian mango exporters are battling hard to compete against Latin American counterparts, as they cost more."Indian mangoes are of superior quality. Yet, we are finding it hard to sustain. While Latin American mangoes cost $6-12 (Rs 240-480) per dozen, the Indian ones cost $35-40 (Rs 1,400-1,600), chiefly due to high freight costs," Ajit Desai, chairman and managing director, Desai Fruits and Vegetables, told PTI.Desai, who has exported 60 tons of irradiated mangoes to US, is worried about losing the US market."The majority of mangoes sold here (US) are imported from Mexico, a country that produces 5% of the world's supply. If our prices are not competitive enough, the resultant action of retailers would be to stop selling Indian mangoes. This will adversely impact our business," Desai said.