The Andhra Pradesh government on Wednesday launched an ambitious project to distribute more than one lakh acres of surplus land among weaker sections of the society on a single day, an exercise being billed as first of its kind in the country. |
Chief minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy launched the scheme at Kodangal in the Mahaboobnagar district while the ministers simultaneously started the distribution programme in their respective districts. |
The 'land mela' comes against the backdrop of deadlock in the government's peace talks with naxalites who have been raking up the issue of land distribution for the poor. |
The list of beneficiaries have been approved by land assignment committees set up at Assembly constituency level led by the respective legislators. |
The government has already constituted a high-level committee led by municipal administration minister K Ranga Rao to monitor the process. Barring the state capital, the targets had been fixed for all the 22 districts in the state to identify surplus lands. |