Prime Minister Manmohan Singh today said the economy was expected to grow by over 9% during 2006-07. He also said the government is ready to change the approach to SEZs 'if it had made a mistake' and that land acquisition and resettlement has to be done in a humane manner."This year the growth rate will probably exceed 9%," Singh said replying to the marathon debate on the motion of thanks to the President's address in the Lok Sabha.Emphasising the need for growth, he said: "We need to pursue a purposeful strategy so that the growth benefits every one." The Prime Minister said investment rate has gone up to 34% of GDP while the savings rate has risen to 32% of GDP."During the last three years, the United Progressive Alliance government has taken several initiatives for alleviating poverty and set in motion an inclusive growth process," Singh said.Creation of jobs was a priority for the government while pursuing industrialisation, he added. "If we remain steadfast in this inclusive growth, we will be able to be make an impact on the problems of poverty and unemployment," he said.Strategies have been put in place to check inflation, the Prime Minister said. The government is determined to curb inflation without affecting growth, he added."If inflation becomes a problem and brings agony and hardship to people, it has to be dealt with on priority basis," Singh said, adding "this is precisely what is being done." On special economic zones (SEZs), the Prime Minister said External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee was heading a Group of Ministers to review the approach to SEZs. "If we have made any mistake, we will make necessary corrections," he said.Referring to the issue of land acquisition, Singh said the issue has to be dealt with in a more "humane" manner. There has to be a "more humane rehabilitation and resettlement policy for those whose land has been taken away," he said.