In a written reply to a query in the Lok Sabha, Minister of State for Chemicals and Fertilisers Mansukh L Mandaviya said: "Branded generic medicines are generally sold at higher prices in comparison to their unbranded generic equivalents."
Giving a list of price comparison, he said Gemcitabine 1,000 mg vial injection used for treatment of bladder cancer has an average market price of Rs 6,412.04 for three top brands, but the PMBJP price is Rs 631.21, a saving of 90.15 per cent for the patients.
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Similarly, commonly used atorvastatin 10 mg 10 tablets (cholesterol lowering) are sold at Rs 8.02 in the PMBJPs while the average market price of top three brands is Rs 70. This provides a saving of Rs 88.54 per cent, the minister added.
Tadalafil 20 mg 4 tablets (used for treatment of erectile dysfunction) that have an average market price of Rs 209.43 for top three branded medicines is being sold at Rs 7.63 in PMBJPs, which is 96.35 per cent cheaper.
As on December 27, 2017 there are 3,033 functional PMBJP Kendras in the country, Mandaviya said.