'Gujarat (me) to jeet hamari hui, ab Dilli ki baari hai' - a banner with this slogan came up at the BJP headquarters as soon as the party emerged victorious in Gujarat assembly polls.The poster, which reflected the mood in the BJP camp, prominently displayed the photo of Chief Minister Narendra Modi along with another slogan - "Jo Hindu hit ki baat karega, wohi desh mein raj karega" (Whoever talks of Hindu interests, will rule the country).Celebrations, marked by bursting of crackers and drum beats, broke out as results started coming in from Gujarat showing remarkable win for the party.Euphoric leaders descended on the headquarters and exchanged hugs and sweets amid dancing by the elated partymen.The 11, Ashoka Road, BJP headquarters was choc-a-bloc since early morning, resounding with the chants in praise of the 55-year-old Gujarat Chief Minister.There were anxious moments during initial phase of counting as trends showed Congress catching up with the ruling BJP in a neck and neck race. But the mood soon changed as the saffron party surged ahead and a banner emerged saying that "BJP has won in Gujarat, now it is time to capture New Delhi".