Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi today announced an ordinance to implement a Rs 1,216.57 crore revival package for the Gujarat-based agriculture co-operative societies. |
Modi announced this at Visnagar while distributing cheques for insurance claims to depositors of The Survoday Nagrik Sahakari Bank Ltd at Visnagar. |
The fund will be utilised for agriculture loans to the farmers through around 7,000 co-operative societies in the state. This is a revival package for the Rural Co-operative Credit Structure (RCCS). |
"The agriculture co-operatives will be given Rs 1,219.57 crore under the Rural Co-operative Credit Structure Scheme. Government has come out with an ordinance to implement the package of Rs 1,219.57 crore. This is a revival package for at least 7,768 co-operative societies and 17 district co-operative banks of the state. We have identified these co-operatives which need help. The farmers of the state will be benefit from the scheme and co-operatives will be able to perform better." |
The announcement comes when the assembly elections are just around the corner. The farmers of the state were agitated because of the raids on them following 'power thefts' and power cuts. RCCS is a central government scheme along with Nabard. |