Speaking on the agreements chief secretary Varesh Sinha said, "While the state government is committed towards industrial growth we also are focussed on providing vocational education to ensure that the states youth gets employment and at the same time safeguard the environmental balance."
The board of Kangan institute will jointly work with partners such as Maruti Suzuki, Ford Motors, GMDC and IIT Gandhinagar under the umbrella of International Automotive Centre of Excellence (i-ACE) to promote skill development in automotive sector, an official release said.
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The agreement will provide the framework within which detailed proposals for programs for establishment of International Automotive Centre of Excellence, skills development , education, research, training and interaction between the parties would be jointly considered on the basis of reciprocity and mutual benefit.
The second MoU was signed for a joint venture between Ecotech Pvt Ltd, Australia and Uniphos Envirotronic Pvt Ltd, Vapi to manufacture environmental monitoring equipment.
The objective of this venture is to utilise the technical know-how of Ecotech with the local market and research and development presence of Uniphos to bring world class products to the Indian market under the globally recognised brand name of Ecotech.