The Calcutta High Court today directed the West Bengal government to file an affidavit explaining its position on a PIL regarding occupation of 16 schools in Paschim Midnapore district by security forces engaged in anti-Naxalite operations. Treating the matter of thousands of children missing school due to their occupation as a very urgent matter, a division bench comprising Acting Chief Justice Bhaskar Bhattacharya and Justice Prasenjit Mondal directed the state to submit an affidavit by Tuesday.
Several schools in Salboni as also other places in the district have been taken over by the state and Central forces for camps. Paschim Midnapore Bhumij Kalyan Samiti, an NGO, filed the petition seeking an order to the government to vacate the schools so that the children could resume classes.
Thousands of children in the district have missed classes and examinations since July this year when the joint forces were deployed to take on the Maoists, the petitioner said. Advocate General Balai Roy submitted that two schools were vacated today. The matter would be taken up for hearing next Friday.