Abdul Karim Telgi, the kingpin of the fake stamp paper scam, has termed reports on his narco-analysis test beamed by TV channels as "false and baseless", and denied having either met Union Minister Sharad Pawar and Maharashtra Minister Chhagan Bhujbal or paid any money to them."I am shocked and mentally disturbed after reading the news of the narco-analysis test, which was done in Bangalore Forensic Science Laboratory in 2003, that attributes me taking the names of Sharad Pawar and Chhagan Bhujbal as having received money from me," Telgi said in a three-page letter written to his lawyers Harshad Nimbalkar and Milind Pawar.Both Pawar and Bhujbal have denied the claims purportedly made by Telgi in the footage of the test aired by the TV channels on September 6.Telgi, who swore by Allah, said in his letter: "This is absolutely false and baseless. I have never stated this in my narco test. This is nothing but a game plan of some political persons to involve them in the fake stamp case."Addressing a press conference with Milind Pawar, Nimbalkar said: "Telgi is ready to undergo further scientific tests and even interrogation by any agency anywhere to clear this issue."The press conference was convened to give the reaction of the prime accused to the telecast of the purported footage of the narco-analysis test by TV channels.