"Based on the average compensation packages offered for placement within the country, the pay back period even at a fee level of Rs 5.5 lakh would be just four months," the IIM-A said in a recent communication.
The efforts of IIM-A to defend its steep hike in the fee structure comes in the backdrop of a Parliamentary panel taking exception to the fee hike and suggested that the IIMs should wait for the report of the Bhargava committee, set up to review functioning of the Institutes.
However, to ensure that non-availability of funds did not come in the way of poor students seeking to pursue the two year post graduate programme, the IIM-A said it would become the first institute in the world to offer MBA programme at zero cost to poor students.
Under the unique arrangement, students who belong to families with annual income levels of upto Rs one lakh, could complete the two-year post graduate programme beginning next month.
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The fee would vary from Nil for a student from family with annual income of upto Rs one lakh to Rs 5.5 lakh for a student from a family having an income of Rs six lakh and more.
"About 22 students from the batch starting June 2008 are expected to benefit from this unique arrangement," the IIM-A said.