Batting for the fairer sex, apex body of public sector units SCOPE today asked the public sector enterprises (PSEs) to take steps to increase representation of women on their boards.
There are over 16 per cent women employees in PSEs, largely at senior middle and middle levels, SCOPE Director General U D Choubey said at a workshop here.
"Their representation on the Boards of PSEs, however, is negligible," he said, adding that "PSEs should adopt Board approved policy for promoting gender equality in their organisations".
He said SCOPE has been the first to draft a policy for promoting gender equality in PSEs in 2000 with the advice to develop company wise gender policy.
"This is being reviewed in light of the changing international best practices and steady increase in number of professionally qualified women entering into PSEs," he said.
On the occasion, Sr Gender Specialist with ILO Reiko Tsushima said that public sector enterprises have an immense role and potential to demonstrate that equality leads to better performance.
In March 2009, the 246 central public sector enterprises had 15.36 lakh employees on their roll.