A high-level delegation, led by Commerce Secretary Dipak Chatterjee, will hold consultations with the Like Minded Group (LMG) of 15 countries to evolve a strategy on operationalisation of special and differential provisions in various WTO agreements, pressing for addressing implementation issues raised by developing countries and Trips and public health.
Commerce ministry officials told Business Standard that India will also try to garner support to block the inclusion of Singapore issues on the negotiating agenda. The draft ministerial declaration for Cancun and the mode for working out the declaration is also expected to come up for discussion.
Some delegations have raised eyebrows about the way the declaration has been prepared and said that members are complaining that the process was not very transparent.
Officials said that over the next six weeks, the consultation process with various WTO members will be strengthened and attempts will be made to garner as much support as possible. The LMG, which was divided towards the end of the Doha ministerial meeting in 2001, is expected to be a stronger grouping this time officials, said.
Apart from the LMG, India is part of a group of 11 countries which are opposing the inclusion of Singapore issues