India has cautioned the developed world, the US and European countries in particular, to avoid any attempt to sneak in “protectionism under green label” as this would hurt their global efforts to successfully meet the challenges posed by climate change.
“We should not open doors for protectionism under green label. That is something, which would be a very negative development,” said Shyam Saran, Prime Minister’s Special Envoy on Climate Change.
Saran is in the US to have a series of high-level meeting with top officials of Obama Administration on issues related to climate change and clean energy, which has been a major focus areas for the new US government.
“Bringing in trade competitive or industrial competitive issues would only complicate the effort that we are trying to make to come up with a global regime, which is as I mentioned (needs to be) fair and equitable,” Saran said cautioning the developed world from indulging in such a endeavour.