Soon, worry no more on having to buy boxes from elsewhere for sending domestic or international parcels through Indian post offices. You will be able to buy prepaid parcel boxes from all major POs, at a flat rate.
For domestic parcels, a 1-kg box will cost Rs 125, 2.5 kg Rs 200 and for 5-kg Rs 400. For international parcel boxes, Rs 1,000 will be charged for a kg, Rs 1,500 for 2.5 kg and Rs 2,500 for five kg.
At present, consumers had to buy boxes themselves and pay according to the weight, with a rise in the rate for higher numbers. With the new prepaid boxes, customers would be charged a flat rate, depending on the weight, a senior official from the department of posts (DoP) said.
Apart from providing parcel boxes, DoP will ensure a tracking system. each box will have a bar code for a faster processing, tracking and tracing mechanism. For international parcels, all documentation will be printed and there will be a printed customs declaration attached, the official said.
The aim is to explore the parcel market, especially abroad.
DoP is also planning to the pricing system for all products and services. The aim is to enable the department to price its offerings competitively and expand its customer base. It plans to appoint a consultant to undertake this project and has invited Expression of Interest from interested firms. The exercise will enable the department to analyse the cost and profitability of each service. The new costing method will then form a basis for management of pricing of products.