India's mineral production rose by 23.1 per cent in June over the same month a year ago, according to the mines ministry.
The index of mineral production of mining and quarrying sector for the month of June 2021 at 105.5, was 23.1 per cent higher as compared to the level in the month of June 2020, the ministry said in a statement.
"The cumulative growth for the period April-June period of 2020-21 over the corresponding period of the previous year has increased 27.4 per cent," the statement said.
Production level of important minerals in June 2021 includes coal 510 lakh tonnes, lignite 34 lakh tonnes, natural gas (utilised) 2,714 million cu m, petroleum (crude) 25 lakh tonnes, bauxite 1,739 thousand tonnes, chromite 322 thousand tonnes and manganese ore 208 thousand tonnes.
The production of important minerals showing positive growth during June 2021 over June 2020 include chromite, magnesite and iron ore. The production of other important minerals showing negative growth include petroleum (crude), zinc conc phosphorite, gold and diamond.