United States President George W Bush has formally certified to the Congress that the 123 agreement with India is consistent with the Nuclear Nonproliferation Treaty.
Bush also made a commitment that his administration will work with NSG members to restrict enrichment/reprocessing technologies.
There are two phases of certification and the first phase contains the two commitments to be done by the President before exchange of the diplomatic note and entry into force of the Indo-US nuclear agreement.
In a Presidential determination of October 20, Bush has sent a memorandum to his Secretary of State on the certifications pursuant to the United States-India Nuclear Cooperation Approval and Non Proliferation Enhancement Act.
"Pursuant to section 102(c) and section 204(a) of the United States-India Nuclear Cooperation Approval and Nonproliferation Enhancement Act, I hereby certify the entry into force and implementation of the United States-India Agreement for Cooperation on Peaceful Uses of Nuclear Energy pursuant to its terms is consistent with the obligation of the United States under the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons not in any way to assist, encourage, or induce India to manufacture or otherwise acquire nuclear weapons or other nuclear explosive devices," Bush has said.
"It is the policy of the US to work with members of the Nuclear Suppliers Group, individually and collectively, to agree to further restrict the transfers of equipment and technology related to the enrichment of uranium and reprocessing of spent nuclear fuel," he added.
"You are authorised and directed to publish this determination in the Federal Register," the Presidential Memorandum said.