After getting the nod from the state government for the Rs 868 crore bus rapid transit system (BRTS), efforts are now on to get the final sanction from the central government for the project.A senior city official is already in New Delhi to include the project in the agenda of the steering committee meeting of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNURM) scheduled for June 27, 2006.The Rs 868 crore project would be implemented jointly by Indore City Transport Services (ITCSL), Indore Development Authority (IDA), Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) and the public works department (PWD).Officials of the central urban development ministry have already taken the details of the project and promised to extend support in this regard.With the implementation of the project, there will be 500 city buses, 472 bus stops and shelters and four major bus terminals, an official said.Apart from 50% share of the central government, which is around Rs 434.07 crore, the state will have to invest Rs 173.63 crore and the remaining Rs 260.45 crore would be collected by ICTSL, IMC and IDA.