After meeting Gujarat Chief Minister and Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP)'s prime miniterial candidate Narendra Modi in Gandhinagar, Ficci president Sidharth Birla, said, "We are not concerned or bothered about just one party, we are concerned about whether actions are being taken or not."
He elaborated on a few decisions of the government, which Ficci found "disturbing". "When AAP had come, they had spoken about power and water. Ficci's point of view was if the system could be made more efficient, leakage be reduced and benefits be given to the common man, it would be very good indeed. However, the announcement that has come now has gone back to dolling out subsidies again. We are against needless subsidy. Same is in the case with water. It is not good for the country."
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On its part, however, Ficci has sent a letter to Kejriwal and invited him for an interaction, which is likely to take place in a month's time.