Intellectuals on Wednesday held a rally to protest the alleged harassment of theatre personality Benu Chattopadhay for using a slogan similar to the 'Ma, Mati Manush' of the Trinamool Congress in a play.
"I was harassed by the Trinamool Congress after presentation of my play which had several references to 'Ma' and 'Mati',"
Chattopadhay told the rally. "I did not use the slogan 'Maa Mati Manush', but the Trinamool Congress alleged that I did and harassed me," he said.
Theatre personalities like Usha Ganguly, Ashok Mukhopadhay and Badshah Moitra took part in the protests.
"This is the most intolerant government I have ever seen. Who has given them the right to harass a theatre personality? Have they taken a copyright for 'Maa Mati Manush'," asked Ashok Mukhopadhyay.