Chief minister Madhu Koda claimed after the cabinet's approval of the R&R policy that the policy which his government had devised was the best not only in the history of Jharkhand but in the entire country.
The state government's R& R Policy envisages a mandatory job to one family member of every family selling part or whole of its land for a development project, along with distribution of half of the two per cent of the net profit on investment among the displaced families on a pro rata basis.
The other half would be spent on peripheral development at the site.
In a last-minute amendment to the R&R Policy, a clause was incorporated in the policy that the investors would have to pay Rs 1,000 each month to the displaced family for a period of 30 years.
Options were also given to the displaced families to either avail of or subscribe to the share and debentures of the investing company on half of their lands parted with for the enterprise.
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A clause has been incorporated in the policy which mandates that 80 per cent of the cost of the venture, sold in case of liquidation or dissolution, would accrue to families losing their land on a proportionate basis.
It would also be applied in case of the government acquiring such land. The land, in addition, would also be restored to the family that had lost out on their land.
The policy also put an onus on the investors to provide houses to the displaced as also to those Below Poverty Line (BPL) families inhabiting the area where the project was located.
The policy promised Rs 50,000 as compensation to shop owners who had been operating for 30 years in the prescribed periphery of the enterprise in the scheduled areas and for 15 years in non-scheduled areas.
The policy had a provision that investors would have to provide lands for religious area (Sarna shtal) and cremation ground (masna sthals) while rehabilitating and resettling displaced families.
The R&R Policy had a provision to appoint a rehabilitation and resettlement commissioner to work alongside the Gram Sabhas and the investors, socially assessing, from time to time the impact of the project on the region's ecology, natural resources as also the sources of livelihood.