In a respite to Infosys chief mentor N R Narayana Murthy, the Karnataka High Court has quashed the proceedings initiated against him in a lower court on a complaint over his alleged remarks on the National Anthem. |
Justice K Bhakthavatsala who pronounced the order said Murthy or his company did not show disrespect by playing the instrumental version of the National Anthem. |
The case pertains to a press conference by Infosys on April 8 this year in Mysore, which was attended by then President APJ Abdul Kalam. |
The Karnataka Rakshana Vakeelara Vedike, a lawyers association, had filed a private complaint before the second additional city metropolitan magistrate alleging that Murthy had shown disrespect to the National Anthem by rendering an instrumental version of the National Anthem to avoid 'embarrassing' foreigners present at the event. The court on May 26 this year has issued summon against Murthy. |
Murthy's counsel KK Venugopal contended that under the Act, the anthem can be sung or an instrumental version can be played. |
Murthy, who is on a tour abroad could not be contacted for his comments. |