The state cabinet had given its nod for constituting the commission in November 2013, and chief minister Siddaramaiah had also mentioned about it in his budget speech on February 14 this year. The commission will fix the remunerative prices for agriculture crops. It would suggest to the government suitable measures as and when prices of agricultural produce decline.
According to a government order issued by the Department of Agriculture, T N Prakash Kammaradi will be chairman of the APC. Two representatives each from the farming community and the state’s departments of agriculture and cooperation would be members.
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Hanumanagowda Belagurki and Narasimhappa would represent farmers on the board while principal secretaries of the departments of agriculture and cooperation would be members. Commissioner of agriculture would be member secretary of the commission, a statement said.
The commission will have a term of three years. It will have the powers to intervene to help the farmers whenever prices of any agricultural produce crash. The commission would also have the mandate to prepare region-wise crop pattern and fix minimum price for various crops.
Agriculture minister Krishna Byregowda said on the floor of the assembly in November last year the commission would evolve a balanced and integrated price structure for agricultural and horticultural commodities for producers as well as consumers.
It would help in establishing a well-organised marketing system for handling agricultural commodities and create adequate market infrastructure for storage, transportation and efficient processing.