Gujarat chief minister Narendra Modi has said that the month-long 'Krishi Mahotsava', to be organised from May 11 to June 10, would prove to be a turning point for the farmers of the state. |
Modi was addressing media persons via video-conferencing from Ahmedabad on Tuesday. |
"The mahotsava, beginning on Akhatreej, is an ambitious programme, in which we intend to cover all 18,000 villages of the state within 30 days. Lot of people are talking about the problems of agriculture, but we want to convert it into an opportunity to strengthen the rural economy," Modi said. |
"A total of 2.40 lakh small and big programmes would be organised in the villages during the mahotsava. Approximately two crore people, connected with agriculture, would participate in the event," he said. |
"The farmers would be provided information about the right type of seeds and fertilisers, and about the new farming equipment and techniques, which would enable them get good quantity and quality of crop. The farmers would also be educated about drip irrigation, tissue culture and other things, which would help them get a better crop," he said. |
"Kisaan raths of 218 would move around in the state, and travel to each and every village during the month-long event. We have roped in the services of agricultural experts, and experts from other fields, who would impart proper training to the farmers. We have also asked financial institutions and banks such as Nabard to participate in the event. We intend to create an atmosphere for the implementation of the schemes for rural development," he said. |
Modi said different types of agricultural kits would be provided to five poor farmers in each of the 18,000 villages, as well as 10 other farmers of the village, during the mahotsava. |
Though the programme would start from May 11, the first event would be organised in Saurashtra on May 9, he said. |
He informed that similar major programmes would also be organised in north Gujarat on May 10, in Vadodara on May 11 and in Navsari on May 12. |