The Karnataka State Financial Corporation (KSFC)’s Mysore branch has been empowered to disburse loans up to Rs 5 crore. To suit the requirements of entrepreneurs from Mysore district, it has formulated loan schemes by way of term loan, working capital term loan and corporate loan.
These will be for establishment, expansion or modernisation of MSMEs, hospitality industries like hotels, restaurants, resorts and tourism related activities, health services like hospitals, nursing homes, clinics, laboratories, manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, ambulance among others.
In addition to this, KSFC lends to entertainment sector like construction and modernisation of cinema theatres, multiplexes, convention centres and infrastructure development activities, commercial complex, residential apartments, earth moving equipment among others.
It assists in preparation of project profiles, civil estimation and provides technical, financial and legal services in the branch office itself. It also coordinates with entrepreneurs to solve problems and in getting clearance from other Government agencies, said KSFC assistant general manager N G Chandre Gowda, calling upon entrepreneurs to avail loan facilities under liberal terms. and conditions at competitive rate of interest.