The state government introduced the smart cards amid much hype and the RTA claims to have issued ten lakh cards since May 1999 to vehicle owners in Ahmedabad alone.
The checking inspectors were to be given hand-held devices to read the magnetic cards that records all the details about the vehicle and its ownership.
As the equipment are gathering dust in RTA offices in Ahmedabad, the transport department and the police are unable to keep a watch on the vehicles that violate traffic rules.
The inspectors are unable to record the penalties imposed on the vehicle owners in the card.
The smart cards bear the thumb impression of the vehicle owner in an electronic chip of one KB capacity attached to it. It also holds the data regarding the vehicle and its owner.
While imposing a fine on a person violating the traffic rules, the inspector concerned should punch his identity card as well as the smart card in the battery-operated instrument.
The hand-held equipment will issue the challan electronically, stating the date, time, challan number, licence number, name of the offender, city, inspector