Former IPL commissioner Lalit Modi has been declared bankrupt in a London court over unpaid bills of £65,000 (Rs 53 lakh approx) owed to a private security firm. According to a report in The Telegraph daily, the order was passed last month and comes at a time when Modi is awaiting the judgment from a libel trial with the retired New Zealand all-rounder Chris Cairns. Modi owes the Page Group, an international securities and risk assessment company, fees for services provided in 2010. Modi in his defence, said, "Until the order was served, I was completely unaware of any outstanding money. I have not seen any previous demands, but since it came to my attention, I've even offered to lodge the sum being claimed with the court pending clarity. But for some reason, that was refused, by the company concerned." The former BCCI vice-president and cricket entrepreneur, who now lives in London, feels it is an attempt to gain cheap publicity by the securities firm.