Impressed by the performance of Andhra Pradesh, the Maharashtra State Electricity Board (MSEB) has decided to set up special courts as well as police stations to exclusively tackle cases of pilferage of energy. Several states like Gujarat and Chhattisgarh have also studied the methods of reducing energy losses and curtailing theft of energy. |
This was disclosed by APTransco (Transmission Corporation of Andhra Pradesh) chairman and managing director Rachel Chatterjee. |
She also urged various government departments like police, commercial taxes, revenue, and mining departments to help the Transmission Corporation in its efforts to the incidence of power pilferage, said a release here. |
Chatterjee informed that several measures had been undertaken to involve the public by implementing a special incentive programme. |
As an incentive, 5 per cent of the amount collected from the theft of energy cases would be given to the informers who will intimate and co-operate with the electricity engineers and staff. |