Prime Minister Manmohan Singh took charge of the finance ministry himself today, dispelling speculation that Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Singh Ahluwalia would be appointed to handle the finance portfolio. The first set of papers from the ministry were sent to him today. Appointment to the rank of a minister of state may be made in the Prime Minister’s Office (PMO) to assist him with the work of the finance minister.
This was a throwback to 1991 when he was appointed to the post by then prime minister PV Narasimha Rao.
Finance will be the fourth portfolio Manmohan Singh will be handling. With Sushilkumar Shinde almost certain to become the new chief minister of Maharashtra, the prime minister will have to nurse another portfolio — power. But for the time being, papers from the finance ministry have begun coming to him.
On an average six boxes of files — each box having around 10 files — have to be cleared as the routine load alone of the finance ministry. With 60 files to clear every day, the PM is looking around for help. Today he asked Cabinet Secretary KM Chandrashekhar to lend a hand. There is also the issue of answering Parliamentary questions and the new Home Minister P Chidambaram has offered to take care of these till such time another minister is appointed.
The exercise of finding a new minister of state is underway.
Top sources said that while the PM is keen to appoint Ahluwalia as the finance minister, the proposal may have limited traction with the Congress party. However, Ahluwalia is expected to assist him from outside.
All of Monday, the PM was away in Rajasthan campaigning. Another six boxes are likely to arrive in his office tomorrow. He is also expected to take a meeting with officials on Tuesday.