In a rare case of sibling rivalry, the Miliband brothers — David and Ed — are in the race to become the next leader of the Labour Party, which lost power in the May 6 election and saw its leader Gordon Brown step down owning responsibility.
David was the foreign secretary in the Brown government while the younger brother, Ed, was the energy minister. The next leader is expected to be in place by the party’s annual conference in September and both Milibands have thrown in their hats into the contest.
David has insisted that “brotherly love will survive”, whoever wins, and added that he was “absolutely confident” the family could “remain strong” whatever happened. He said: “We have talked very frankly and openly to each other because we love each other as brothers. Brotherly love will survive because brotherly love is more important than politics.”
His brother Ed says he had talked to family and friends before making his decision.