Prime Minister Manmohan Singh has asked Mines Minister Sis Ram Ola to urgently sort out the differences between the Centre and mineral-rich states over the issues of value-addition and delays in the grant of concessions by these states. |
The minister is expected to consult the chief ministers of the dissenting states on these issues. |
At a meeting held here today to review the proposed mining policy, the prime minister felt the new mining policy should be brought before the Cabinet at the earliest, after a thorough examination of all the contentious issues with the requisite statutory amendments targeted for the winter session of Parliament. |
The meeting was attended by Planning Commission Deputy Chairman Montek Ahluwalia, T K A Nair, principal secretary to the Prime Minister, Minister of State for Mines Subirami Reddy and Planning Commission member Anwarul Hoda, according to a statement from the Prime Minister's Office. |
In its presentation, the mines ministry highlighted it was drafting a new mining policy, based largely on the recommendations of the Hoda Committee report. |
The policy proposes to reorient the mining concession dispensation to attract investment and technology into the mining sector on a vast scale. |