Total non-tax revenue collection in the period under review slid to Rs 3,238.34 crore from Rs 3,275.58 crore in the same period of 2012-13. Mining revenue which contributes a whopping 75-80 per cent to the state's non-tax revenue base, dropped 4.64 per cent to Rs 2,582.46 crore as against Rs 2,708.15 crore in the corresponding period of last fiscal.
“Mining activity is at a low ebb in the state and the slide in revenue collection from this segment is a setback. Also, the impact of a slowing economy has been felt on items of the state’s own tax revenue like land revenue and taxes on motor vehicles that have shown a downtrend,” said a source at the finance department.
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Land revenue declined from Rs 152.20 crore to Rs 139.28 crore, meaning a fall of 8.49 per cent. Taxes on motor vehicles slumped 13.26 per cent to Rs 304.17 crore from Rs 350.69 crore recorded in the comparable period of 2012-13.
Within the state’s own tax revenue base, segments like stamps & registration, state excise, sales tax, taxes on goods & passengers and taxes & duties on electricity posted substantial growth.
Sales tax, the single biggest contributor to the state’s own tax revenue base, rose 12.91 per cent to Rs 4,493.68 crore from Rs 3,980 crore.
Total tax revenue expanded 12.07 per cent to Rs 7,057.57 crore from Rs 6,297.44 crore in the corresponding period of 2012-13.
The overall tax and non-tax revenue increased 7.55 per cent from Rs 9,573.01 crore to Rs 10,295.91 crore, an achievement of 42.14 per cent of the budgetary estimates (BE) of Rs 24,430 crore for the current fiscal.