Global steel major Mittal Steel is likely to send its proposal about investments in the mining and steel sectors in Jharkhand by July, state mines minister Madhu Kora said."The steel MNC might set up a 5 million tonne steel plant in the first phase," Kora said."The discussions with Mittal Steel's CFO Sudhir Maheswari and mining director M P Singh has given us an indication about the steel major's keenness to invest in mineral-rich Jharkhand," he added.The minister took Maheswari and Singh on a recee of Chiria mines and those in Gua in west Singhbhum district on Friday.Chief Minister Arjun Munda and Kora held talks with Maheswari and Singh who, on behalf of Lakshmi Niwas Mittal, extended an invitation to Munda to meet him in London.