Over eight million mobile subscribers were added by the mobile operators in the month of October as against the addition of 7.80 million mobile users in Septmber taking the teledensity in the country to 22.52 per cent as opposed to 21.85 per cent in the month of Septmeber.According to the latest update in the telecom subscriber figures released by the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India (Trai), the fixed line subscriber base decreased marginally to 39.41 million in October as against 39.58 in September.For the month of October, the total number of both wireless and wireline users stood at 256.55 million with 217.14 million mobile users while the rest being fixed-line users, Trai report said.The total broadband subscribers also increased marginally to reach 2.69 million in October against 2.67 million at the end of September 2007.