The BJP-led NDA government in the last 22 months has cleared a record 900 projects with investment worth Rs 6.40 lakh crore. Besides, the government has substantially reduced the number of days taken for providing crucial environment clearance to 190 days from 600 days and it will be shortly further brought down to 100 days, announced the union minister of state for environment, forests and climate change Prakash Javadekar here on Saturday. He was addressing a national convention on sustainable development organized by the United National Global Compact Network.
Javadekar told the gathering that “We will make all efforts to ease of doing responsible business with a focus on sustainable development. The current government stands committed to provide environment conducive for growth and responsible business.
Javadekar told the gathering that “We will make all efforts to ease of doing responsible business with a focus on sustainable development. The current government stands committed to provide environment conducive for growth and responsible business.
Read more from our special coverage on "PRAKASH JAVADEKAR"
Javadekar said government has taken a number of initiatives whereby the faster environment clearances are provided so the project developer can not become the victim of inordinate delays. ‘’The comprehensive afforestation project is being proposed whereby cutting of a single tree will be replaced by the plantation of larger number of trees. This apart, the budget has proposed providing 50 million LPG connections to below poverty line families. The government has taken a cautious decision to promote renewable energy by adding 175 GW by 2022,’’ he informed.
Further, the minister that the finance minister has proposed coal tax of $6 per ton which is to curb the environment damage. Besides, the government has proposed to shift to Euro VI fuel norms by 2020.
“Although India is not a part of present environment problems but it will certainly be a part of solution and the government’s commitment towards environment is full and final,’’ Javadekar noted.