Majority of women prefer working part-time so that they can spend maximum time with their kids and build a strong foundation for them, according to a study by industry body Assocham.
"Most of women prefer to work either from home or part-time so that take out time for their children. Nearly 56 per cent women said working from home is an ideal situation for them, while 16 per cent of them said they would prefer to work full-time," Assocham Secretary General D S Rawat said.
The chamber has surveyed over 4,500 working couples in cities like Delhi, Mumbai, Pune, Bangalore and Chennai.
The survey reveals that out of ten, seven working women said that they would prefer part-time work and would not opt for a full-time job.
It said that there are also differences in the way working moms and at-home moms assess their role as parents. Mothers working full-time give themselves slightly lower ratings as parents, on an average, than mothers employed part-time.