The Kerala High Court has directed that officers of the Motor Vehicles Department of the state have to wear uniforms as mandated by the Kerala Motor Vehicles Rules 1989 and cannot wear 'blue beret caps' and badges embossed with the Ashoka emblem which is similar to that of senior police officers.
The high court noted that under Rule 406 of the Kerala Motor Vehicles Rules 1989, that Regional Transports Officers and Joint Regional Transport officers have to wear peak caps of khaki gabardine and badges embossed with 'KTS' and the Kerala emblem. For Motor Vehicle Inspectors and Asst Motor Vehicle Inspectors, the rule prescribes peak caps of khaki gabardine and badges embossed with 'KMV' and the Kerala emblem, the court said in its order dated September 1. "All the Regional Transport Officers and Joint Regional Transport Officers and other officers should strictly wear the uniform prescribed under Rule 406 of the Kerala Motor Vehicle Rule 1989," a bench of Chief Justice S Manikumar and Justice Shaji P Chaly said. It also directed the Kerala Transport Department and the Transport Commissioner to ensure strict implementation of Rule 406. The court also ordered them to take appropriate action under the rules for any violation of Rule 406. With these directions, the bench listed the matter for hearing on November 11. The court was hearing a PIL for interdicting the officers of the Motor Vehicles Department from wearing 'blue beret caps' and badges embossed with the Ashoka emblem or any other uniform deceptively similar to the uniform prescribed for senior police officers under the Kerala Police Act, 2011.