In the current financial year, till now, the Madhya Pradesh commercial tax department has collected revenues to the tune of Rs 4,196.97 crore, which is 18.95 per cent or Rs 608.28 crore more than that of the last financial year's corresponding period. This is even before the implementation of VAT in the state, which is slated for April 1, this year. |
According to commercial tax department sources, many industrialists and traders have paid advance tax in order to avoid further complications after the implementation of VAT on stock as of March 31. |
Last month itself the department earned revenues to the tune of Rs 438. 81 crore, which is 20 per cent more than that of the corresponding period for 2004-05. |
P K Das, commissioner, commercial tax department, said that the commercial tax in the state during the current financial year, 2005-06, has been to the tune of Rs 3,238.67 crore, which is in addition to Rs 482.33 crore as central commercial tax and Rs 475.98 crore as entry tax. |
During this period, the heaviest revenue collected was to the order of Rs 1,778.89 crore from the Indore division, which is 17.88 per cent higher than that of the last financial year's figure. |
Similarly from the Bhopal division, commercial tax of Rs 1,263.35 crore, which is 17.90 per cent more than that of the previous year, has been realised. In the Khandwa division, the realisation of Rs. 66.57 crore is 5.5 per cent more than last year's receipts. |
In the Ujjain division, Rs 149.33 crore has been realised in the current financial year, a hike of 4.58 per cent over last year's receipts, while the Ratlam division saw an increase of 13.87 per cent to Rs 73.27 crore, the Gwalior division saw Rs 233.89 crore in revenues, up by 15.89 per cent from last year, the commissioner said. |
In the Jabalpur division, the current year's realisation of Rs 201.36 crore is 14.71 per cent more than last year, while in Chhindwara division, it is up by 4.7 per cent at Rs. 83.51 crore. |
In the Satna division too, the 2005-06 tax realisation amounted to Rs 287.27 crore, which worked out to 20 per cent more than that of the last year's receipts. |