The Indian postal department will sell cashew nuts from Ratnagiri and Goa and Alfonso mangoes through their 100-odd outlets in Mumbai."This will be in addition to our existing commodities like fast moving Hallmark cards sold through the outlets," K Noorjahan, chief postmaster general of Maharashtra Circle, said today."The sale of cashew nuts was started in December last year, and we are getting an overwhelming response. With these additional activities, the Maharashtra Circle expects to earn revenue of Rs 1 crore per month," she added."The postal department has tied up with several co-operative societies in Konkan and Goa to procure cashew nuts," Col K C Mishra, postmaster general of Mumbai, said.The postal department has already launched the service of ordering `prasad' across counters. "Prasad can be ordered from the Mahalaxmi temple in Mumbai, Sri Sai Baba's temple at Shirdi, Sabarimalai in Kerala and Siddhivinayak temple in Mumbai," he added.According to Noorjahan, Maharashtra circle is the only circle in the entire country to make a surplus. "We were revenue surplus by Rs 16 crore in 2003-04, which moved up to Rs 40 crore in 2004-05. We are targeting 40% growth this year," she said.