Jharkhand Chief Minister Arjun Munda on Monday said his government had urged the Centre to fix rates for iron ore through the National Mineral Development Corporation (NMDC) so that the ore could be given to companies in the state.
"There is a provision of coal linkages (to allot companies), but there is no such provision for iron ore. I have written a letter to the prime minister to fix a rate by NMDC for iron ore (as well), so that iron ore can be given to units within the state," Munda informed the House.
He was replying to a query by Jharkhand Vikas Morcha (Prajatantric) MLA Nirbhay Singh Sahabadi who raised the difficulties being faced by companies due to shortage of raw materials in the face of economic downturn.
To another query raised by RJD MLA Annapurna Devi, Munda said discussions were on with the Centre and Planning Commission with regard to bringing in a 'Right to Health Bill' to provide health facilities in the state.
Responding to queries during chief minister's question hour in the House, Munda also suggested the House to pass a resolution urging the Centre to form a National Commission on Enrolment of BPL families to keep the state free from disputes, pertaining deletion and addition of any family in the list.
On increasing age of retirement from 62 to 65 years for teaching staff of universities, Munda said HRD department was asked to send a proposal so that the cabinet could take it up.
Assuring that his government would look into the demand for setting up minority financial development commission, he said there were a number of commissions operational in the state.
Appreciating meritorious youth going outside the state in search of jobs, Munda said his government, however, would look into a demand for allowance to the youth, who are literate, but unemployed, adding it related to financial management and required discussions in the cabinet.