The projects will be taken up by Water Resource Department — Major & Medium (Rs 38.84 crore), 199 Rural Road and two Bridge Projects by Rural Development and Panchayat Raj Department (Rs 59.16 crore), five Rural Road and two Bridge Projects by PWD (Rs 5.32 crore), 10 Rural Road and two Bridge Projects by Tourism Department (Rs 10.37 crore) and 66 Minor Irrigation projects by Water Resource Dept - Minor Irrigation (Rs 13.71 crore) in different districts of the state, Nabard said in a statement.
These projects have been sanctioned under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF XVIII) by the Project Sanctioning Committee at its meeting held last week. With these sanctions, the cumulative sanction to the state under RIDF XVIII has reached Rs 602.15 crore.
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The assistance extended for construction of 512.99 km of roads and 270 metres of rural bridge projects is expected to benefit over 812,000 rural populace in all the 30 districts of the state. The road ô bridge projects will connect 841 villages with 360 marketing centres and generate non-recurring employment to the tune of 4 million mandays and recurring employment of 407 jobs per year, Nabard said.
The sanction of 66 minor irrigation projects in nine districts would benefit 1,178.07 hectares by way of ground water recharge, increased storage and restoration of command area among others. It is expected to generate non-recurring employment of 418,000 man days and recurring employment of 63 jobs per year. The above minor irrigation projects will also help increase GDP by Rs 1.26 crore per annum, the statement added.