As on March 31, 2013, five DCCBs have been sanctioned a direct credit line of Rs 181 crore by Nabard. "This is the first time that we have started such a credit line to DCCBs in Uttarakhand," said state Nabard chief general manager, S Selvaraj. Under the programme, Rs 22 crore has been released to the DCCBs of Nainital, Pauri and Udham Singh Nagar.
During the year 2012-13, Nabard disbursed Rs 1,090.33 crore in the form of loans to the state government, producer organisations, primary agriculture credit societies and refinance to banks as against Rs 906.35 crore during 2011-12. This recorded a growth of almost 20 per cent. During the last financial year, Nabard sanctioned projects worth Rs 367 crore to the state government.
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Nabard also disbursed Rs 440 crore to the government for rural infrastructure development during the period. During the year, 124 rural infrastructure projects amounting to Rs 367 crore were sanctioned, including 89 for rural roads, 14 minor irrigation projects like tube wells, canals and channels, 19 bridges, two mini hydel projects. When completed, 584 km of extra road length will be constructed. An additional command area of 8,907 hectares will also be brought under irrigation.
Refinance to the tune of Rs 106 crore as agriculture investment was released to commercial, regional rural banks and the state cooperative bank. An amount of Rs 520 crore was released as production credit to the state cooperative bank, the Uttarakhand Gramin Bank.
For the new financial year of 2013-14, Nabard has set a target of 40 per cent growth in its disbursement of loans in the hill state. This will be done through enhanced financing of rural infrastructure projects including schools, primary health centres and construction of warehouses through disbursement of Rs 500 crore.